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Spring is the time of year when temperatures can flip-flop 20 to 30 degrees in one day. So, how do you dress your children appropriately without them having to lumber around heavy winter clothing during the warmer afternoons? Here are a few suggestions to keep in mind.
The key is to dress in layers because they can be taken off as temperatures rise. A denim or fleece jacket is light enough to keep your child warm. Under the jacket, a sweater, long-sleeved shirt and short-sleeved shirt will help keep the body insulated against the cold weather. The jacket, sweater and/or long-sleeved shirt won`t take up much space in a book bag either.
On the bitterly cold mornings, a scarf will protect your child`s neck from the cold but can be taken off when the temperature climbs. Hat and gloves are also needed on those cold spring mornings but can also be put in a book bag when temperatures warm up.
Since the weather can be quite variable in the transition from winter to summer, make sure your child keeps a small umbrella handy.
What kind of pants will keep your child warm in the cold weather and allow enough air circulation to provide cooling relief in mid-to-late spring? Capri pants bridge this gap by covering the majority of the legs while exposing just enough skin to keep cool when temperatures rise. Dark-colored jeans will work equally as well to keep warm in the chilly mornings and cool during the warm afternoons.
When the weather gets warmer in the end of spring, consider Bermuda shorts. These are tailored style dress shorts that stop just before the knee.
White sneakers are the best footwear for your child in the spring. Simple slip-ons or lace-style shoes will keep feet comfortable.Later in the spring, sandals provide enough air circulation to keep feet and toes cool.
Sunburn can happen just as easily during those refreshing mid to late-spring days as it does in the heat of the summer. Therefore, consider a lightweight cotton and straw hat or wide-brimmed hat with flaps that can block your child`s face from incoming sun rays.
Dressing for the spring weather can be a challenge but with the right layers and comfortable shoes, your child will feel warm in the morning and refreshed in the warmer afternoon.
Image: A baby wearing many items of winter clothing: headband, cap, fur-lined coat, wool neckscarf and sweater. (Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons. Author: Andrew Vargas from Clovis, United States)